Fake Figures – You’re Distant

Fake Figures are a four-piece band from Southern California and features former and current members of bands such as Atreyu, Scars of Tomorrow and Nation’s Afire. Playing a mix of metal, alternative and punk, the band also manage to keep an undertone of the late 1990’s throughout their music.

You’re Distant was released on 18/10/2019 and although now over three years old, it still sounds as fresh and up to date now as it would have done then.

The guitars are riff-laden, heavy, and totally in your face, and slight distortion gives the track a grungey feel. The drumming is meaty and energetic, and the basslines are thick and strong. Musically, this band are awesome, every member of the band playing off the others and working perfectly together.

The vocals are typical screamo vocals and these point the song in a completely different direction again. Accompanied by strong backups, the singers is voice is tough and powerful and totally takes command of the song. He has an attitude and grit in his voice that compliments the style of the track well and adds to the rawness of the song.

This is an awesome track, and I am just about to head on over Spotify to see what else I can find from them. If you are a fan screamo, alternative and punk rock and metal then I suggest yod do the same!

Great job well done!

This review is the property of The Metal Asylum

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